It definitely takes a while to get used to, it isn't that appealing to the eye at first, but after a while you might start to adapt to it, and love it more.

You can't build for Mac or Linux, but I believe they are planning on doing it for Fusion 3.0… But you can get the Flash exporter, and flash can be used on browsers. I recreated PONG, and it was pretty fun doing.
So far I've spent around 75 or so hours on it (according to Steam), so I've learned a how to do the basics of a lot. Some games on steam were also created in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 like The Escapists, Five Night's At Freddy's, which have both indeed made front page of the steam store, and there are more listed in the description. The community of Clickteam is decent, the developers do contact users also. From $100 to about $33 is a great deal! (As of right now, it is 50% off) Anybody else have Fusion 2.5? If you don't know about Clickteam Fusion 2.5, it's basically like a more advanced Game Maker.(Now that I have GameMaker Professional Edition, I know that's false.) Fusion 2.5 is the engine Scott Cawthon (Creator of Five Night's At Freddy's) who did indeed spend around $700 for the developer edition, android and IOS exporters, and probably a few more stuff. Just recently got Clickteam Fusion 2.5 on Steam since it was %66 off.